Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pro Tip Thursday

Welcome to
Pro Tip Thursday
This Week we are featuring the Phenomenal Event Designer...
Amanda Allen of MMD Events
with professional Lighting advice...

Wedding Décor: The Power of Lighting

"You can’t have a discussion about wedding décor these days without considering the power of lighting. It can create space, depth, unique shadowing, and of course light. It emphasizes the hard work one has put into designing their space, and gives an overall completeness to the style of your room. Giving it that “platinum wedding” feel a basic ballroom can be beautifully lit for around $500 - $1000.

Another wonderful trait of lighting is that it will de-emphasize boring or unpleasant aspects of a room. For example, in a picture below you’ll see how some of our brilliant up-lights, ceiling patterns, and color washing on the dance floor completely transformed a wedding reception venue with putrid yellow walls and a horrific carpet into a completely dreamy venue.

When shopping for your lighting package, be sure to choose a professional. Lately, I've witnessed more and more DJ's providing lighting as an add-on to their jams. Now, I don't want to knock any DJ's, but lighting is a décor element. A lighting professional understands the aesthetic value of lighting and how it shapes the design of your wedding. A DJ or other non-professional may offer a bargain, but a lighting professional adds the value of understanding décor and the style you are trying to achieve.

Thoughtful design is the key here. It does not have to mean expensive. A bargain is only worth it if at the end of the day you got exactly what you wanted. Take my advice, make lighting a part of your budget and hire a professional lighting designer. Then you’ll be one step closer to having exactly what you want for your dream wedding."

Amanda Allen
MMD Events

1 comment:

  1. Great tips - thanks for sharing some useful and insightful information. And thanks for highlighting a great company of great people in the Tampa Bay area!

    Did I mention that we would now be offering lighting packages as a free add-on with every catered wedding? Just kidding. Stick with the professionals at MMD!

    Good Food Catering Company
