Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Planning The Perfect Baby Shower

Planning the perfect Baby Shower is as easy as A, B, C!

A is for Always remember the wishes of the "Mommy to Be." You want to create the party of her dreams. Listen to her… find out what colors, themes, music, decorations, invitations, food, cake, and favors SHE wants. It is always best to tie in the theme of the shower to her nursery and or her baby tastes. For example, if she has a yellow duck themed nursery, maybe you can add special touches of yellow ducks throughout the event space. A cute idea is to hang a clothes line with adorable baby clothing attached to duck clothes pins. It's super cute to see the display of little baby booties, socks, hats etc.

B is for Be prepared. There are many important steps in planning a shower. You should start with the basics of choosing the time & place, invitations, decorations, tableware, centerpieces, favors, food, activities & games. A cute idea for the invitations is to frame it and present it to the "Mommy to Be" at the end of the shower; she can hang it in the nursery. When thinking of games, you can always incorporate the traditional activities like Baby Bingo, Baby Food Tastings, Dress the Baby, or Smelly Diapers. Or you can try these trendy new games: Guess the Itty Bitty Baby Parts, My Water Broke, or Peas in a Pod surprise game. Now when it comes to favors, you can give away Personalized Cookies, Cute Soap, Bun in the Oven scented candles, or customized candy bars. Now my favorite activity includes signed Cushie Burpcloths for guests to write a sweet poem or message on. These trendy burp cloths are such a cute keepsake for the "Mommy to Be."

C is for Create your own special touches. With any party, it is always fun to add your own creative flair. For example: you can buy a stroller for the baby (off of the registry as a hostess gift) and use it to display the gifts, both before and after unwrapping.
Another cute idea is to fill a baby bathtub with diapers, lotions, washcloths, ect. and use it as a centerpiece. Need other unique centerpiece ideas… just make tiny topiaries with little terra-cotta pots and add chocolates, or make a traditional diaper cake. If you are planning a shower for a "Mommy to Be" with other children, simply make up big brother or big sister activity baskets and invite them to the shower as the special guest star. Always add fresh flowers, this adds a touch of color to any event.

When planning your next shower remembers these A B C's and you will have instant success. Good Luck… and if you feel a little overwhelmed don't hesitate to call us at Confetti Events to help you plan the perfect event. www.confettievents.net.

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